Whether you landed here by accident or on purpose, I’m so glad you’re here! If you enjoy romance with a dose of snark, flirty fun, and plenty of sexy…you should be right at home. A great love story is timeless and that means my fictional tales could find my heroes plundering with pirates, riding with cowboys, or sipping cappuccinos in a modern-day coffee shop. The possibilities are as endless as my imagination.

My current WIP is a fun cozy mystery set on the eastern end of Long Island in the fictional town of Star Harbor. Updates on this project will be coming soon. (HINT: Stop by the blog and subscribe to get all the behind-the-scenes details!)

I’m active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you’ll find all the links on my Contact page. I love to connect with friends, so don’t be shy.

…Come escape into my world, where Love Always Finds A Way.



“We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on a dial.”
~ Philip James Bailey

