
Time Travel Romance/Erotic Holiday Novella
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A Knight in Her Arms -- Out now
Time Travel Romance
Sexy Holiday Novella
Can one passionate night, ten days before Christmas, convince a twenty-first century woman to follow her heart and show a medieval knight there's more to life than being a protector?
Hannah Falcon loves her job at the Natural History Museum in New York City. She doesn't love her friends insisting she date more. When a man dressed as a medieval knight shows up in the museum, Hannah mistakes him as her latest blind date. She couldn't be more wrong!
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Feet apart, body tall, and covered with chain mail that clinked as he took a step toward her. He lifted off his chain hood and shook out the shock of black hair on his head. A fierce red scar ran the full length from his left ear down to the tip of his chin. Wonder how he did that? It certainly wasn't a shaving accident. A patrician nose, a few scowl lines along the sides of his mouth, and angled features gave him a tough no-nonsense look, making her wonder if he smiled much.
But those eyes. Under hooded brows those mesmerizing green eyes stared down at her with an expression that made every inch of her body burn. She hoped she wouldn't melt where she stood, but her more practical side quickly took over and tried to remind her to focus.
A hint of fear crept into her chest. What if he wasn't Susan's cousin? He denied knowing her, and as much as she wanted to believe it was part of his act, what if it wasn't? Only the night guard would hear her if she screamed, and he didn't even carry a gun. This man was all brawn. He had a really big sword and in that armor of his, even a well-placed kick probably would have little effect on him. Did she need to start carrying pepper spray in her pocket now? Why did she keep leaving her cell phone in her purse? Had she learned nothing from the purse-snatching incident?
"You shiver." He stepped closer, clutching his surcoat between the fingers of his armored gloves. He stood so close she could swear she smelled cloves. "Take my tunic."
She hadn't noticed the chill in the air, but at his mention of it, she rubbed her hands up and down her arms that now prickled with gooseflesh beneath her wool blazer. She took a tentative step back, shaking her head. "No, I'm not cold."
"I am here to protect you, Lady Hannah. Not harm you."
"Protect me? Now you sound like my father. One stolen purse and suddenly I can't take care of myself?"
"I was not told the details."
"What exactly were you told?" Hannah narrowed her eyes at Sir Whateverhisnamewas. "Do you want to change before we go to dinner, or will you be wearing that?" She laughed and started walking toward the relative safety of her office, her phone, and her pepper spray.
"I am here for my reward."
"Reward, huh?" Now Susan had gone too far. How many times had she opined about the only reward for kissing all the frogs New York City had to offer was the great sex? If she'd promised Mr. Hunk-O-Metal some easy sex with Hannah, he was going to be one disappointed man of steel. "Come on, you'll have to follow me. Only the employee entrance will be open now."
"You dress like a man. Is that how you will be dressed for dinner? And why do you keep asking me to change? I do not possess the power of witchery, I cannot simply change to suit you wishes. I am a warrior, a knight of honor. My mail protects me, whilst I protect you."
"Whilst? Only a man dressed like you would say something like that. And Callahan's is casual; I was only suggesting you change into jeans, what does witchcraft have to do with it? I still plan on changing," she said over her shoulder on her way toward the door. She didn't have to turn around to know he followed her. Clinking metal would have been enough, but she also sensed him watching her every move. She tugged at the hem of her blazer, suddenly a little self-conscious he might be looking at her ass.
"First my clothing, then my speech? If you are so easily offended, Lady Hannah, it might be best if you tell me exactly how many enemies you will need protection from before I can claim my reward."
"I was careless once and some thug stole my purse. I don't have enemies." She stopped and was surprised to see his mouth quirked up at the edges. Ah, so he did smile. She couldn't resist asking him, "Where were you then?"
"Fighting for my liege lord. I am here now."
"I know, looking for your reward. Well, dressed like that you'll be protecting your own honor on the streets. Not mine." She shook her head and unlocked her office door. She didn't bother to switch on the light, just reached inside and grabbed her long coat off the hook beside her opening. She slipped her arms into the sleeves, dropped her father's gift into the left pocket while she patted her hand against the right to confirm her mace was still tucked safely inside.
"I have no fear of the streets," he said.
"That's because you have a big sword." She winked at him and closed her door. She was shamelessly flirting with him. She should be ashamed of herself. Instead she felt giddy and maybe even a little bit naughty, standing alone with him in the dimly lit hallway.
"Perhaps you would feel better if you held my sword?"
She rolled her eyes and laughed out loud. "Just how big a favor did you owe Susan?"
"I accept no favors, my lady. I earn what is mine, and I am here to claim it."
"And what exactly are you claiming?" She narrowed her gaze at him.
"Lady Hannah," he sighed. "The witch gave me specific instructions to protect you and claim my destiny. You distrust me?"
She bit back her initial laughter that anyone would call Susan a witch. "Distrusting? Me?" She put a hand on her chest and gave him her best melodramatic huff. Susan really should have told her the man would be so outrageous and so damned sexy. This date might actually be fun. She decided right then and there to enjoy every minute of this farce.